Dermatologists discourage the sharing of towels as an essential measure for personal health, the reason being that fungi and bacteria that coexist on our skin remain and proliferate in the towel’s fabric due to heat and moisture. This contamination, totally unnoticeable to the human eye, becomes evident when the towel begins to smell.
Dermatologists discourage the sharing of towels as an essential measure for personal health, the reason being that fungi and bacteria that coexist on our skin remain and proliferate in the towel’s fabric due to heat and moisture. This contamination, totally unnoticeable to the human eye, becomes evident when the towel begins to smell.
Nod-bcn fabrics are produced with high quality cotton powered by AmicorTM intelligent fibre capable of permanently controlling a range of bacterial and fungal contamination and hence bad odours. Inside the fiber’s structure there is a reservoir of a tried and trusted antimicrobial additive called zinc pyrithone and which is able to protect the fabric from the development of high bacteria and fungal counts which can lead to hygiene issues. It is able to do this wash after wash.
Nod-bcn fabrics are produced with high quality cotton powered by AmicorTM intelligent fibre capable of permanently controlling a range of bacterial and fungal contamination and hence bad odours. Inside the fiber’s structure there is a reservoir of a tried and trusted antimicrobial additive called zinc pyrithone and which is able to protect the fabric from the development of high bacteria and fungal counts which can lead to hygiene issues. It is able to do this wash after wash.